to my moorish people, & people that think like them kkk lol

to my moorish people, & people that think like them kkk lol

do you believe in Pangea  

are people really below you 

were your ancestors just lazy 

does region have an effect on features 

how so

i trust the gospel & the old testamento

i don't know it entirely but that's God 

it frightens me to lead someone down a path although i just speak my mind 

is that a crime 

why must i fear 

what crime am i committing 

having an opinion 

i'll protect my path 

here's a nugget 

we secretly love our differences 

embrace your own 

welcome to the promise land 

can i say that ?

it is written that you know everything is peace with the animals outside 

madagascar lol nah but we must remember where we are from & i stand firm one must know their roots 


it's not true if you don't believe it the story is written 

i put Jesus in the front 

i urge you to do the same and follow his ways 

be humble and pray 

he indeed fast for days 

he forgave 

he overcame 

and so will we 

heads high 

mr vegas 

can we respect our differences 

is america really the land of the free 

are we the home of the brave 

not to rule but to make you drool 

my father is a master artist 

the best 

high grade 

high grade

tip top shape

the story the glory

God bless you father

& forgive me for my sins

they are many

many i say many

i am not imperfect but you love me

and as a child of God i follow

you rebuked those who didn't take heed

premlin said Jesus cursed a tree because it didn't have fruit

father i've been sowing love lol

i sowed some weeds

help me gather the weeds


We are African

you were born subordinate to God

we are all the same in his eye

the bravest is Jesus

i will not die for you

so go ahead and believe in Jesús

go pray with a cruz lol anyone apellido o literal 😂




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