What if I told you a story about a blessed man, would you believe me if it was spiritual?
What if I told you about a man that had a choice between God and drugs, and I told you he chose the drugs?
What if I told you about the man who knew too much, and his knowledge caused him to be down on his luck?
What if I told you about the man who had plans but was never given the chance?
You may say it was their choice to not advance! I can care less I was born to dance, take on your burdens for what I don't comprehend what's hurting.
On your journey it seems like all you want is a pony, the fundamentals of life... yeah right.
Perhaps when we arrive, we believe the sun shines bright for all those in sight but it's not factuals alright.
What if I told you about the one who chose God over the drugs?
The ones who chose to love, the offspring of a fractured love.
The ones who took the orphan's home.
The one who said come to me.
The ones who replay and repeat the love that has always been indeed.
Good over evil, but not by force.
A pull towards genuine love and blessings.
Contrary to where those before me have walked, I don't want issues.
I don't want the issues.
If it comes, I pray to the judge, the holy judicials.
King things, a kingdom being.
Intercede for thee.
There're levels, and we see fruit of the trees.
If love is all that matters in the end it is better to know a friend with 10 hens
then have the money to buy them.
you can sit in the field with the friend,
you can make a soup if your friend wants soup you can step to the coup like yeah, it's you.
When you are down and out God sends the crowd, the love that has always been around.
Be the love, smile.
What if I told you about the star who shines the brightest in her region but ignored
all the praises because she knew there was a greater reason.
The light that shines is extended from an extra animated plane,
something that my intuition speaks.
A portion of my life I spoke with no care in the world, it's just my opinion.
Valid, but in the eyes of others your opinion can cause them joy or pain.
Especially if it's regarding topics we disagree or agree with.
I am healed and healing.
What if I told you to speak your opinion anyways?
What if I said let those you feel pain feel it for their redemption?
What if I say help those in pain, help them understand his name?
I am a sinner, but daily I am reminded of grace and mercies.
People say favor isn't fair but why boast, if God gave it may the saints bless it.
Opinions are important so we can point to the facts.
Intuitive people are scientist of the spiritual, of the quantum, the physics.
The unexplainably explained.
Hypothesis begins with observation.
Our observation doesn't automatically mean our hypothesis will be correct.
That's why we put it to the test.
I question at times, is me being born in the month of an earth element does that automatically make me grounded.
What if my south node is in Pisces and my moon was a fire sign and I rise with Cancer?
What does that mean to me?
What does that say about me..
What is your hypothesis?
What do the statistics say about an old woman who hasn't wed?
what if there's a way that we can defy all logic?
The way I enjoy it is by the spiritual see it goes with my south node.
What if I told you I love the clouds more then the ground?
What if I told you I rather be on the river then in this building?
if I can be anywhere, it'd be in the everlasting spring.
Flowing down the river and singing Padam Padam.
I can do plenty with what has been given, work is fun.
To work is not a burden, the burden is the mistake.
The burden is the pain of the relationships outside of work.
I came to work but even in work the love was put first.
Love you so much it hurts.
Imagine the love that helped undo the curse, we loved the judgement the thoughts of pain don't keep us refrained from being better and not the same.
i want to continue for the entire day, to express makes me feel joy.
When pain is felt it makes me smile because joy comes in the mourning.
Rochy RD said how do you know you're happy if you never been sad.
How can you love without the pain.
It's better to walk with someone in life and God prefers it that way but when you walk all alone, know you are not alone.
Empowering people doesn't have to break others down.