here we are on the bus
here we are feeling like dust
unclear but we are on the way to the "gift of God"
a troublesome road, car crashes right before they go
they ask where is home
i say as we walk off this bus
trust i know the way there
i went this way last time i swear
we get to the door
we hide fearsome to knock
and in the moment im shocked
how it could be at this lady's door why
why am i here
why are their 3 faith tiles
why am i seeing "follower of Christ"
why am i seeing someone i dont like
why is there a beard
again why am i here
then it clicks dear
see today was the day i realized the reason why NC, Carolina in general keeps calling my attention
i say the car crashes were witnessed today
i guess i gotta feel the heart and accept it
as if im in love
very deep in love but so they can truly find that reflection
their one
lol its a name, the other one got a pretty name too
it heals me too
it frees me too
how many blunts rolled up did donny give
it was like 7 i took 2
i guess 8 they guessed 7
they won praise God
how can i be mad, how can i feel sad
i learned this lesson like 4 nights/3 days ago
its all a game
and i really dislike it sometimes
feel like Ace Hood
but although theres tears ready to flow
i can holdback lol
quite funny ting huh
indeed, it is
open the door the shepherd
it's not me it's an analogy when it happens you shall surely see
wheatty wheats :)
anyways im glad that rollercoaster has ended
kinda leaves me with no feeling at all
like none
like a stale face
like another lesson
but the blessing is that theres not really much regretting
i guess i could be a shoulda coulda woulda
but nah
light a match, pick up the ashes
blow it into the desert
expand horizons
truly understand and chill
i do care about people liking me i want people to read and engage with me
idc if it doesnt look like i read
like my grammar is just eeeckkkk
one thing i learned is the philosopher's philosophy I
they are them
dont need a bunch of friends
live many lives in my one lifetime
to end up alone is kinda the desire right like
but like i guess alone with someone
at the age of 50 60 finding love right
it may reach some day but
i guess we are the seer to learn to let it go
i know not of why
like why do i have to re-live life
why the spiritual connection
with strangers
its not in my head i see the prophesies come alive and come true
for many of you
and in every dream it seems like i make it
like i make it to the other side
that i am safe
alone in a beautiful school
wearing a long pretty dress
in libraries with vhs tapes, books, and CD no i couldnt take them home with me
but if i could be honest i have to let go of the love of the here and the now and fall deeper into the books
i feel alone
like there is no home
like a homeless being
so guess you can fine me
to be just a spirit being lightens things
the world is cruel
like what is the point of it all
truly lol
why is it pain and suffering
it seems like many get power and feel like they can push us down
lets get it so totally right if i had money id spoil me
gold chocker emerald rings anklets, the earth gives us that
but everything has a price tags
every man has a right to a home
when i say man i include the female
to fine an individual for their shortcomings seems cruel
like yeah they were a fool
but what if that was you
no one really puts themselves in others shoes
and when you do they look at you
like who do you think you are miss goodie two shoes
like no i can tell you all my sins and you can judge me too
like wtf are you to look down on me
a human like me
people bleed, B.I.G.
i bleed every single month
like bob spoke in concrete jungle
the depth of that song like yeah life is good
and some people lack things to get to where they should be going
intentional or unintentional hurts either way
its better to blame someone else
we love to blame the government
i dont see how it affects me
eh i've felt watch but who cares lol watch me
im boring i just talk a lot
always been a talker
i saw a vision when i was like 5 of this white lady picking apples off the mango tree
there was no one there lol she smiled waved and disappeared
never did i have a real life visions
i enjoy them although they cause me pain because i don't know how to interpret it
i think sometimes i'd be happier not knowing
like a fool
just think its all by chance, but it's all what God says, i wouldnt have been led to the bible if i wasnt meant to learn its him
lol profeta laly, maaaaaannnnneeeeeeeeeeee
lol and the one i get compared to is the one who never reaches the promises
thats tough right lol
i guess thats when you gotta cling tighter like nah you said all is forgiven
lol but i guess we get the reward we get lol
the little faith got poured on with gold
like it gives here you not finna be rich in posessions but youll have this heart of gold
and a steady place to be i mean thats alright with me
like a simple life is all i know
outgrew the outside flow
like i can sing in the shower
i can dance in my room
i can create too
for me
im just like whatever dude
theres contentment inside knowing
theres no one to see
theres no one to trust
theres no one who truly understand my sorrows
i guess thats why i pray harder and wallow
grateful for life and the breeze
letting go fully from the heart
like id float in the middle of the ocean
i enjoy people but this whole seeing stuff makes me feel like im in my feelings
throwing a pity party
crying and often not understanding a thing
reacting negatively to dreams
i wanna say do you know what i mean
i guess all the ideas i have can be done by others
to have faith then it feels to be so snatched away
it leaves and i wanna leave with them or simply just be numb to things
but oh how i love to feel
i guess i needed more pain
self-inflicted but inside
what is healing if its not a spiral
like a house of revolving doors
until you feel comfortable enough to say ok
goodbye all mistakes.
i am free
cannot be replaced
from the beginning to the end, it was like a movie
but we end on a high note, because for the moment the faith left
but then we breathe and express and it comes back
but way less attached to the idea of who i may eat with
talk to or walk with
all i know is that i wore a pretty long dress at the school
and i got everything i desired
and its an exchange of nothing
like all i have to do for the beauty in my dreams is to just be
rest and let it come to me
not an anxious being
not at all
sometimes i am
but i am just me a human being lol
these seeing qualities dont belong solely to me
God loves his people so much that he honors our small minded ways. that he lived and died, had his body in a grave. yes, yes our ancestors were great but only he can lift us up from the grave, see its the electricity in the hospital that makes them resuscitate but only because God gives the electricity, that proclaimed divinity. thank you for all you do & i will see the God in you but above all i will only honor and worship one King to the death of me, and if you go against him then without hesitation i will leave. God only know that. without God there wouldnt be gods nor goddesses he thought a lot about us in the past and he thinks a lot of us now. Show God that we can hold it properly, show God that we can lead in the realm of the living so that those even in the spirit will humbly turn away from dark ways. No i wont help dig no ones grave. Thank you God for your undeniable love and redeeming me.