ice cube
cold as my country brew
love the taste
it's cool
man down dont frown
the little kid came to only point em out my Jamaicans said sort them out
demarco said
i did it like a man behind the lense observing peeking through but i say amen
dont pretend felt like one
felt like i had to put my shoes in the feet of some sons
like what is it like to fight
what is it like to have to run not only once but twice
i felt always life just glides
i am blessed why pretend why hide
i surely know what life is like
the ways to thrive
love and words
this is my curse thrive and be safe
love cannot replace
the peace in my face
the love is not a mistake
peace and good energy
i guess i just wanted to see
how the struggle can be
is it wrong that i say no repeat
like i wouldnt do that again consciously
i hold my head down you see
i believe in karma indeed and if i was a stubborn bull you see
i would see red and be mad but is it my temper that controls me
some control themselves to deceive
but i know what that means
love yourself and love the creator you aren't really doing him any favors
i dont want my worst behavior
i wanna be on my best behaviors
when i shell down i said no behavior
im instinctually being
im just a human being
not pretending a got a thing
i really believe you dont need the cursing to make life appealing
its the flavor within the thing but
i guess thats us ganstering
or whatever they say i did not come here to debate
you shall surely see the grapes
the one undercover i have seen a thang
juice these fruits
too ladi do
my life is so rad
my life is so glad
not expressing this had my soul mad
and i said well soul in my holes voice thats too damn bad
because we cant express the way we want to
because see the truth they detest
we see the weird stress
am i making this up in my head
when i hear confirmations and heck i was born into a family that has revelations
i say power to the people
power to O
i guess it flows because it rhymes with soul
O'shea yeah Are We There-a ?
I looked yo name up i'm not gon' swear
Cubes of Ice Escaldes everywhere
i know you the vatos up in california
but meet the cubans the dominicans you know the other mexican foreigners
the divide conquers the mind and a house divided does not get one excited
oh once the ones that love the creator and each other a ton then surely the war has been won because we follow the words of Mary's Son the man who has won
who has paid the price the one who threw his last dice and was not going to land nice for his life they crucified
reminds me of a T.O.K. song
OUR father said it
strapped in love
can the love i offer help you
if not you yourself will find yourself removed
flying away
not ever knowing the greater purpose of all life is
as we grow i guess it's rehearsing
meeting faces connecting in places for a reason
for a purpose beyond our human understanding
you must grow
you must flow
you must shine and let them know
God is the reason i dont choke
i may hide
i may coward
but i know my life is sweet
i decided to eat the sour
was it to know what it was like to overcome and devour the one who cut my flowers
symbolically cut my wings
brought me down to a place of fragility
was it me
was it the devil
who knows me better than myself
whose emotions do i hold
i am alone so i guess my own
signs and synchronies
the world lost a little mystery
i lost comprehension
when i write i just flow
i am not paying attention
read these with me
sorry if you read slander
i guess it is my candor
i apologize in advance
i cant reattach the feathers on to chicken again
but i guess thats why the chicken can be fed to the people who havent had dinner
who havent had their bread
bread of life
eat life
breathe life
speak life
a man who hasnt seen a steak
turns into a dog to have it
he feels as if that way it would be easier to grab it
oh he just had it
i understand it
i let it go
i let it flow
oh what they know
do they know
a birdy said theyre going to know
i say i know
i say i grow
i say you can let go
we each came to flow
fly out say oh
never let go
of whats inside
God is in there
he is our guide
he dwells with our spirit
oh the positive words we can hear it
don't let him go GOD
dont let go of God
hold tightly
hold tighter
sit in the sky above the eiffel tower
sun dial tells time
oh me oh my
fly here fly high
sunshine growth
is divine heavenly pride
one lion to a lioness
i go mad
i go stress
i be vexed
i am the only lioness upon my lion's chest
but i guess cubs come next
dont vex me
dont test me
best not stress me
yes please
this went a variety of ways
the life the days
shine there is better days
make the sound
say the phrase
i can go all day
like on and on and on
one man the messiah