for the love of you
1000 days away and i feel you
1000 days away and i feel your love
1000 days away and i was told to warn you
the company you keep
the love only seeks the chic
the love ate at the foot of "mamas" bed
your uncle there in the water with us
although scared my spirit was made aware
your uncle knew the worth he tried to tell you
to undo the curse
but you made your choice
you were done with my love
you thought you found better in the eyes of
a deceiver
we all deceived
but how could you have believe that
i wouldn't have given you everything
if we simply continued to believe
in our hearts the love was real
i remember you
pointing to your heart saying i was in there
your love still lives with me
i have burned off your anger
i have burned off your slander
i washed your feet you've washed mine
we lived and we shared
i see some trials ahead of you dear
i wish i could hold your hand and go back
just for you
but that isn't fair to me
if you made your choice
to walk away from me
to make it seem like our love was not unique
i guess that's what it may have seemed
but beloved being
you too will value the love you once shared with me
you will too see the value
but not to go back but to move forward
to discern true love
to know when it's from the heart
to know when it's not for the help
where you are now could've been avoided
but the soul needed to grow
you are a part of my story
to love you was joy and to God be the glory
because although to fall in love is a gift
it is also the most heaviest lesson you'll learn
can the heart discern
i still have love for those who intentionally hurt me
you, you beloved cut me the deepest
therefore beloved you brought me the closest to my father
i needed that, although you may wake up now or soon i can only look back at you
i hope that you remember the good the love we shared and the memories of good can feed you i hope all your good memories can feed you
you will make it through too 🤍
i promise you that's what love do