the blind, hurt spiritual lover finds peace.
for as a young girl all i wanted was to be married
for as a young girl i wanted to have a family
and be serving in that
be loved in that
the world shows it as a woman marrying a man
but i'm coming to realize that i am a bride of Jesus Christ
for what is a relationship outside of him
for what is impressing the opposite sex if it doesn't impress him
he is instilled in my being love
he allows me to travel in the realm of the spirit
he allowed me to go down to the pits of hell
he has allowed me to go up to the heavens
for i have seen things you wouldn't believe
for i can be called crazy & through all
i was this spiritual lover ready to fall
for why have i went to these great man
status that is envied by men
adored by women ready to open every door
in exchange for their riches
in exchange for the spotlight
in exchange for ice
for i have seen the sea of chartered glass
i seen the fire come down from the heavens
the words written in the book of revelation
it scares me
it worries me
all i ever wanted was to just be a lover in my dreams
be the opposite of brief
i found peace in knowing that it was never about my desire to be cared for by men
by a man
they care more of the matters of this world
for back then once upon a time in their soul they were aligned to what now i know
for their ancestor are pleased i assume with me
for they somehow believe love can turn them back indeed
for i think of Eve
if a man falls in love with a woman God entrusted that woman with his son
we are just as powerful and if not more than the man
but a woman must not commit the sin of wanting and seducing the man
the man into temptation
resist your needs of greed
for the truth is he loves you for your being
the fragrance of a woman
the scent of God is on the woman
let us not be woman who give in to their every desire for we make them weaker
for God will not give in to a man's filthy desires
we must be strong and close to our father because of love
i have men in my family that i love
i have encountered men in the spirit that i too love
the best gift to them is that of my goodbye
to return then to God
to give them my A DIOS
for it benefits me too
the man that sees the gift in me is the one God chose
the rejection for my appearance and status proves that the men i fancied were sinners like me
that they weren't for me
& to realize love is not hard nor forced
for i find peace knowing God has a special place in his heart for me and he will use me & my husband to be an example of his love
all unworthiness dies because only through Jesus Christ are we worthy
man can't make you worthy
nothing on the exterior qualifies you
only the internal
so if you feel rejected in love
go to God
& if ever told you aDios just know i returned you to God
that does not sadden my heart
although i feel the slight break
for like my father said forgive them for they know not