the holy text
they were written
the land of mentirize
the pictures are downloaded
we shall mirror in a new light
bind the ones who hinder our thrive
allow me to rekindle stand tall and tell you what makes me weak
the thoughts of the people that were told to go away when love is:
come here stay with me for the sake of peace quality
i can see out of jealousy you would send another woman indeed
you would send the woman out to be forsaken indeed
with child, oh the greed
the story has been told
the interpretations our taken but what about through the lenses of a woman
we are shaking bacon
see it is written God is only mine
point blame on the other side
hit hard but we survive truly pride
a village raised the children
for love
by love
from love
to love
was that the curse of Eve at work
see Sarah was like heres Hagar
then she had a son then they both kicked out Hagar
maybe she didnt really agree
maybe it was deception
i was listening to this indian from india podcast
these women seemed ok with concubines for the sake of bloodlines
is it that deep, was it just the times
idk but they could curse each other a lot
like cartoon stuff
do we do this now
i believe in monogamy
it hits on every aspect of life truly
is it toxic to want a relationship to just be about 2
is it wrong to understand that if i was a third party i would've told Abraham & Sarah build her something back there, hit up a bro my dawg and its love.
see in those times divorce is like dishonor, it's shameful
even in the times of Mary
even TODAY
to have to start a new journey is painful
i say be grateful
child out of wedlock
like Hagar did it
like she surely did that look at that region
i mean like our land good and bad but notice their good
read it for yourself but she left with her oldest son and from him they'll be a great nation
i see it
God is love
i re read this and i proceed because i am not stuck
it's biblical
theres ones who say they are but aren't
they belong to a land of lies
a land that never existed
a land given by man
colonized by man
but we stand
stand with the innocent lives
i sing why can't we be friends
then they sing but the scoff
the codes whats the codes
Mr. Wimber handed me a book about these codes
and i was like OHHH
but not then im like OHHH now
like its the truth i can't frown
i dont mean to make it so big but even rap beefs seem to be biblical now
nothing is solely for you
what happens here is happening there too
we back and forth we mirror oouuu
i heard a story and truly to God be the glory
of these land of mentirize ppl against the solunanos
mystical story
sorta like Ganesh
sorta like my alien ancestors
they chose my bloodline to see through time
Yeshua time hey
hey there's a natural mystic in the air
i play fair but they say favor isn't fair
i guess
we all need an adversary to bring us together to win
Gods creation too
and just like there are gods and strong ancestors in you
you are dormant and so is your crew
so at this time we open our eyes
and as we come alive
we cannot be angered
do you follow or nah i'm reviewing the akashic