satisfy my soul

satisfy my soul

love satisfies the soul

to see those around me with their hearts full

to see them have beauty and good things

all around them, surround them 

it seems so easy to recognize it here (3D)

it's easy to miss that it all surrounds us (Holy Spirit)

beauty in joy from the inside

am i blind 

am i ?

i guess like many im looking on the exterior too

filled with love

i am not the one to blame

for im not faking it

for it was my design 

i am not the creator

but i am one of his designs

boldly i wear it, its a signature you see in resilience

its a gift in turning frowns upside down 

its giving when i can't anymore

i have my days 

i lose sight that everything is so beyond this realm

why ever choose to live in hell

it's a place one can go 

just watch the movie Soul 


lord knows

it is beyond me 

i can't ever be angry for too long 

i feel this peace inside me 

the feeling i get when im in bed and im yearning for a hug

a cuddle a snuggle sent from the lord up above

he is on his throne but his holy spirit roams 

and shows up on your dome

all that is alive can manifest the spirit of my Christ.

if a scary ghost can make objects move

can God send you that little sweet breeze to tickle your feet

divine knowledge 

feel love above all and watch all the dominos fall 

right into the shape of eternity, love beholds me 

holds my hand and seems to guide me

suprise me 

dial me 

timely we shall all see

see what 

see something that makes us believe so our father can come pleaseee

I am not your savior lol 

Kendrick said it lol 

I guess we do wake up one by one 

it's a gift a beautiful gift to wake others up 

one by one 

one by one 

we step out of babylon 

in a dark tunnel words that helped me came from Jhene

for love was breaking my heart 

i guess i hadnt learned How to Love Wayne 

the words spoke to my soul when my understanding lacked 

but here i am now understanding and being taken to another realm

well you stars make the way beyond the Bay 

beyond the grave 

our father has given us these tools to elevate 

in times we aggravate but thats the human way 

get angry and express it in words

i heard they cut deep

but a wound can heal 

and may add to your canvas 

willing and unwilling tattoos 

try our best to heal you but for the sake of appearance 

or for the sake of our health

well im listening to Jerusalem and um yeah thats the end of this beautiful poem 

i take credit as the vessel it came through.

All Glory Be To God.

Yeshua was crucified for me 

you can say that to yourself.

Jesus Christ died for me.

pain and joy

for what is death 

to Gods design 

his perfect design 

made to live forever and reign forever 

and here we are as joint heirs 

we live forever 

how fair 

our spirit is saved 

I pray you live out your divine destiny 

i hope you know you can overcome any challenge 

i pray you trample over the serpents sent to bite you 

i pray you meet your tribe 

i pray you never give up the fight 

i pray you remember everyday your why 

i pray you want to save lives for the sake of the body 

for we need you all 

for together we are stronger 

for together our offsprings live long


kings and queens 

dont demonize me for telling my people to raise their head

systematically we are made "dead", but we live automatically in the kingdom 

the end will not come for his people for my father is patient for the sake of love 

so lets go 

EXODUS of the mind 

love so divine in our prime 

so very fine 

dont let it pass you by 

for you are someones queen/king 

i dont know but that alone sometimes makes me want to sing...


oh & it's a blessing to be so pressing 

one thing i know is right now ya CAN'T BRING DOWN.








love and peace to all truly, the slight pigment in the skin made you black 

hair of wool my daddy was not passing

don't be upset smile and follow Em, follow the SOUL of ROCK and ROLL

follow the meek they for they shall be the ones to see 

to meet 

to greet 

the holy KING amens

for if we are last at least we have our turn 

and Gods spirit never left us 

for we always had the joy inside even when pain would thrive 

music heals the soul 

smile and roam the earth in peace 

be prepared in love....

wish all my exes and familiar souls i was attracted to a forever love 

a love that will build them up and not tear them down 

may they all heal

for we heal together

to my forever love after God 

idk who you are where you are but i love you inside and out

maybe one day we can go watch inside Out i love those type of movies 

maybe i can hold on to your arm and feel butterflies in my heart 

and when our eyes meet its like wow 

like tears of joy want to form but it's just an awe 

that pulls my lips to your face like a magnetic 

youre not my opposite i guess biblically im the part of you that is missing 

my orange half i am not missing 

tell the snakes to keep hissing 

This Is Love you're my Bob 

but im out now surely goodnight. kisses from me and the most high.



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