the energy i wanna bring
i wanna bring light to the truth
the truth of God
my father went to the sick
i wanna be like my father
im not all the way there
but see its about community
lets care
transactional relationships can evolve
we can go outside and ball
don't worry but my father he gets through to us all
so stand tall
speak the truth
your truth and let God's words heal you
be true to what you knew
i promise there is others who need to know how you moved
encouraging words keep it through
you got a light to flash where mine don't beam
all are one in The Son
im a daughter and im not the only one
if im a gift, God loves his sons
so i will be kind to those he loves
i learned something new
God knew what i knew
let light shine
let's be blessed through
we can surely groove
if you dont like the way that i move
i know who might boo
& they say i love the way you move
and when it's just me in my room
put that stereo on boom
i just zoom
i love the tunes
im in a blue corvette
i just vroom
put on a perfect tune
men i got a cheat code for you
free your mind and be oh so wise
be brave and an honorable man
speak the truth and be about your business
but love
set boundaries
that's for all
a relative to complicated men
i love them all
flaws and all
rome wasnt built in one day although it fell
keeping God in his place is prosperous and wise
he's my number one guy
i kinda love it
i tell him everything crushes and all
it's like your dad giving you a puppy after crying that's the type of comfort
i receive from the most high
and im alright
like chronixx
on some KHALED
on some son Hagar vibes lol
who got Dubai, God's People
Who got Africa, God's People
ONLY because Jesus Christ Sacrifice BELIEVE ME
a woman brings forth life in agony
thank you for your beauty
for your curiosity
who knows if i wouldve ever lived til this day
God gave us free will
we may never be perfect, but our father LOVES us
and is love and mercy endure forever
be light to those who need it may God bless us all
may we love to walk gracefully in truth
im not perfect but living is amazing