they say we live wicked ways
im talking as a planet
im talking from lions to magots
im stating those with the soldier pose
drop and give me an x amount
freedom of speech
but poppa said
no momma said mind your business and that poppa is the judge
when it comes to scandal i can tell you a bunch
do i believe that these people are evil just because of their position
there is highs
there is lows
theres is s's there are o's
2 Timothy 2:15 ESV
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Romans 12:1-2 ESV
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
our opinions don't matter, only God's
don't wish ill will, forgive let go
don't treat people bad
show them love
allow God to work it out for you
nobody is perfect
i try to be holy
i try my hardest
ironically el malo is playing
i could cry lol
God speaks in signs
when you are ready to experience
after a while it can get tiresome
at times i can get tired
it gives songs deeper meanings
it feels more real
the connection to the energy
the lightness from within
the reason to live the happy beginnings again and again
the positive affirmation friend
the clap your hands again
like live and fly again
shed the skin and glide again
God's creation friend and it is written
Genesis 1:28
be his child Yeshua, Jesus Christ
i know of other things, most people do
are we demonizing knowledge
i say all things of satan get behind me
like i wont sing chant a psalm today but
i will feel love musically
imitadora says
end the imposters
i need to know
where was it that we kissed under the rain
what brings passion out of me?
tonight, I become an investigator
where was our first adventure
this song is so beautiful
por un segundo acepto mi duelo
y se me pasa
yo no quiero ser la mas popular
quiero mejorar como dicen las miss universos
sonreir y ser real
al que le guste que lo pruebe y al que no pues que no
soy yo
ustedes son ustedes
la noticias que salen
duelen por la violencia que pasan
aun uno no se puedo tirar trapos ajenos encima usted sube y ahi veramos de que se hace
we can talk a lot when we are just spectating the game
to be in it is quite different
we can say to ourselves it couldnt be
for that reason i pray to God that the powers that be open their eyes and praise you indeed
lift your name to the hilltops
embrace you, your love
speak your name from the mountain tops
El Que Murio En Una Cruz
"public shame"
muerto en una hoguera
"public shame"
but we rise just like our father Christ
hey I AM speaking my slice
it's cruel to cut the history
it's cruel to break a people from it's people
but such cruelty shaped us
for better or for worst
Father God married us
his kiss breaks the curse
are we his bride
will he kiss us happy day and good night
rise and shine
light of my life
i don't need to see your light
to know that you shine
i dont need to see the path so clearly to know that youre leading
gratefully believing
all things work out for good for those who are called to his plan🫶🏾