a missed conception...misconception

a missed conception...misconception

patriarch allow me to introduce my matriarch

i believe, i read, i know, i grow 

my knowledge source is plentiful 

im looking at the trees

and im like oh 

which is the forbidden tree 

which one will i avoid 

which one do i breath 

see people say that God of the bible could actually be another being 

but i say there's a knowledge i can't physically prove 

but it's a truth that keeps knocking at me 

see i here music and it rings 

its dings for me 

my body rejoices it clicks for me 

perhaps my upbring (on purpose) 

see i appreciate the dive into knowledge 

like the carson's and the wess'

but Jesus died on a cross 

and it's love and respected

do we reincarnate 

wasn't he there in the beginning

what if the gods & goddess existed 

and they brought more children into existence 

the tree will throw itself in ocean it is written 


"but i gotta break you down 

because you just run wild 

yes you are my child 

even when you just roam wild 

see i loved baba abba babalu"

i imagine Jesus will say this to me in song form lol 


aye, see he's connected to Lazarus ok(Babalu Aye)

he's in the family didn't have to do a thang 

oh by works but i'm saved in faith 

faith that lives in my DNA maybe Jesus didn't have children with his DNA but "you're my brother and you had children

your children become mine even if they chose you in spirit

rejoice let em hear it" 

i want to go deep 

i want to show you my spirit in real life you see

how can i remain a happy soulful lively being 

some don't understand get high off their own ego perhaps they turn evil 

oh who is Evel Knievel

i hear it cause it rhymes i never took the time 

to place em to my brain 

to unwrap a line that in this rhyme falls in line

with my scheme of the night

i race i take flight

im mean beware i will bite 

some people don't back off unless you show them teeth  alright 

lol it's story about this guy i met in the evening sky 

i was like a eve oh i 

was like who drank my apple juice 

oh that guy 

well alright 

ima snap ima calm down 

ima fly high 

ima raise the ground 

planting seeds 

watching the growing of the trees

look at me and my face and baby breathe 

the love of my life if i was a harlot in a past life 

forgive charlotte up in this life 

she don't know it but she need you 

Father God whether she black asian white or even see through

i want the pretenders to see who you are alright 

it's the heart not the scars 

its the words 

eliminate the jars 

freeze tag who's mad

i laugh and say i'm glad 

i got to live my life 

and this page is my sweet escape 

i gotta write more because i often contemplate 

on really speaking to my next door neighbor like 

hey uh this what i've been thinking about today

i don't know what it means 

and i don't care about the reactions but they'd avoid me daily 


and i'd love them for it 

i don't need attention to know im important 

the values of the words can raise you or drown you 

learn to float

swim with the current(you have your own wave) 

(you are next level) 

(baby i am all about that bass no treble)

(it's knocking on my brain.. that heavy metal)

i can't knock it anymore 

i can understand a piece of the core 

apples are forbidden in garden of eden 

why is it an apple why wasn't it a book okay 

it was a teaching okay 



i can say more but it's okay 

just cause you say my name doesn't make me more important, just because you don't know it doesn't mean i'm hurting, just cause i'm single doesn't mean i ain't curving, just because he's cuffed don't mean he ain't lurking, just because at times i be bezerking, going deep into spirit and come back with a number to read, it was 115, please go and read that Psalm 115. 

with that i leave you with a kiss and a beautiful dream 

in a realm where you win and achieve 

that's every plane you see 

i do so much for me 

i paid nothing to be free 

somehow the world couldn't really break me 

they would love to say that my scars hurt me 

they would love to say that my bruises are damaging 

for they cannot poison my beliefs 

i will not betray my people 

those who do for love 

those who do in love

those who do from love 

what can it be 

what ever it be's 

they ask for a whisper 

they ask for a you and me 

they ask for kiss behind the tree

some say they evil eye, you see 

some say the shame and guilt on me 

but that's your love let em see 

not diving too deep in uncharted seas

on a different note how about that ovulation time ladies like i definitely don't give the girls love besides the thank you to getting away with not wearing a bra but the ovulation boobs are quite phenomenal i was mesmerized... yes a long run off sentence am i being graded?😂😂


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