Journal Entry 1: 2.27.2025 12:04PM (grammar checked)
There are certain parameters that life is lived in; these parameters are given to us by society. The entities that provide these parameters strive because we come into agreement with it. When there's an individual that steps out of these parameters, they get labeled; often the labels are negative; some will secretly admire these individuals because they have the boldness to express.
Throughout time there have been outspoken people, people who were labeled ill of the mind simply because they expressed encounters of what I believe to be the spiritual world. Although not every eye encounter with the spiritual world is a positive one, I believe we have this gift for a purpose, and we can choose to do good with it. This article will be solely based on my opinion and my choosing to see the light in it.
Many artists convey this message of losing oneself, of hearing voices, befriending their "demons," or believing they're crazy; not only that, but even coming to the conclusion that that is the only way out.
There's a specific connection between an artist who uses the arts to express themselves and people who understand gravitate towards it among those who don't understand. These are the fortunate ones; these are the ones who have been given a torch. There are people who are locked away in mental institutions whom I believe are holding a powerful truth, a lesson the future generations can use.
One who loses their mind is not necessarily disconnected from their soul.
I want you to ponder on these words and really TRY to understand what it is to "lose your mind", to go crazy, I have had about 3 days really diving into this topic with a friend. I give you 24 hours.
this is a journal entry; you will read my thoughts... WELCOME to La'Lee Zion.
Journal Entry 2: 2.28.2025 12:31 AM (grammar NOT checked)
I wrote this yesterday well on Wednesday at work, see this was inspired by a conversation I had with my friend, he believes a person who loses their mind is disconnected from their soul. We spoke to his mother about it, and she shined light that we both had a point.
Look into the story of Nebuchadnezzar he went mad... lost his mind
Think about Jesus casting out the demons from Mary.. possessed
She had episodes but she was sane
A person/being that acts crazy AKA loses their mind is saner in my opinion. I'm writing for the ones who see deeper the ones who feel misunderstood and will step out. The soul is your connection to source. We were created to exert our individuality with God. Society created a system, using the most obvious example hair. I have curls, it gets frizzy, some people LOVE it, others tell me to straighten it. We conform to roman ways, when we were meant to stand out. They beat us down throughout the years because it was their purpose to be an adversary.... A man I went out with told me he plays the game, I don't. I dislike that it even it has to be that way. All my people are spiritual, even the white people. See there's people that talk to themselves, they say they see stuff, they're labelled as schizophrenic.
The answer to the question "what is schizophrenia disorder?" is that it is a type of psychotic disorder. Psychotic disorders are mental health conditions where a person experiences a disconnection from reality. A disconnection from reality can present symptoms such as false beliefs, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking.
Additionally, schizophrenia can present as other negative or cognitive symptoms such as a lack of motivation, withdrawal from social activities, problems with memory, and difficulty understanding and making decisions.
There are many questions to ask and factors to consider when learning about schizophrenia, no matter where you are in your journey.
How many prophets would hold this label?
Don't underestimate the lengths the "enemy" will use to afflict you, it all starts in the spirit, the attacks will be aimed directly to your spirit. Pay attention to the music, what they want to push on you not only that but the subliminal messages aswell. These are the small attacks to reinforce the rituals they may perform to steal, kill, and destroy you.
Sometimes a perfeclty sane perfect has had witchcraft done to them and they may not have the gift of sight or they do and have no guidances on how to release themselves from it. It's definitely a battle and there is hope depending on what approach you take. I suggest spiritual approach but in community, I say express everything you see, take it as truth and dissect it. See what you can learn from the most outrageous thought and then think about the words of the bible Jeremiah 29:11, God is in control therefore this is a weed I can throw it away.
I guess my point is, listen to people, allow their voice to be heard, they may put a piece in place for you that you are afraid to dive into out of fear. God loves us all and he sent his son Jesus to us to tell us to love eah other too. I found my mind too, and I can empathize with some pretty out there thoughts and it scares me well it used to. I know how far I will go and how lowly I've felt in the past. We have a different generational curse that we can or cannot break, how far are you willing to dive, I believe God will provide you with a light... don't be afraid of the deep dive. I doubt you want to die so don't kill, you are not out here just trying to survive. Live be free, the soul tells the mind, forget the former things, don't you see the sun(sons) light. Dream wildest dream believe your great grandchildren will fly. I fly in the night sky, the babies want to come but not yet, im still setting the foundation, so my future generations can all be set, i love you future offsprings, you're the best. Catalina, Rosalia, and all the rest, kisses from the best.... at least your kids will think so, see you in some years... many because your mother was a nymp ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
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