sangre de la tribu, blood of the tribe

sangre de la tribu, blood of the tribe

one day you will understand

the pain the pain

was felt but not dealt

this is the walk

of roots

the roots of ones blood

we come from near we come from far

in nations by name are believers of the bible for in court we swear by the bible

here in the U.S. of A

before this

the lands were inhabited by a plethora of people

was there not a bridge into Alaska

these people connected with the earth

they may have seen or felt but never confirmed by sight

for the spirit led

for the arms were open

open arms for the good news

met with greed

as many people feel kicked down and betrayed by church by christianity

i urge you to build a personal connection,

there's good and bad in everything through the lens of man

the beauty of knowing who you are in your roots

the beauty of diverse roots

the knowledge of Christianity is love

it's love

it's a super power that a man that had the gift of God became a lamb, THE lamb

sacrifices are something known to tribes

but Jesus did that already for everyone

he who believes in his sacrifice shall be saved

so where ever you are near and far i pray you accept the gift

i pray you grow always with gratitude for the roots that allowed you to eat such sweet fruit

for we work for each other

for we work for each other tribes worldwide

for we all originate from a land

but on holy land i stand and i know...

God knows my life my story

he knows how i would arrive here

to this very moment for he had it in his heart

for he knew

for they know not

it's human nature to be selfish

children say MINE to things

some don't they know something they came with it or their parents taught them well

and things take time

i know not and we do have our own path so don't blame yourself for your children's failure

there's room for growth for us all and i say

i hope

if you truly knew better you'd do better

so i say pay attention slow down


1 Peter 5:7

i trust in God, i believe in the path for it was written long ago each tribe has their Levi's their Moses

read and learn with L O V E.

-Odalis Mikaelle

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