the harlot šŸ¤ŒšŸ½

the harlot šŸ¤ŒšŸ½

The Harlots šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


women women women

oh how they all love women

to be a woman, to date a woman

it just something about women

society can we repent as women

i must be the first to say i go the wrong way

"you have 5 and none of them are your husband"

j holiday bed, such a desire but why

why so much lust

why so much i need to be loved

but what is love

i need attention

i need affection

self love

self value

insides broken into a million pieces why

what is love

am i less than you because i didn't do it for money

am i more than you because i didn't do it for money

i am my fathers daughter im not talking about Jesus

i am talking about this chain i was pushed to break

was never a video vixen i couldn't be that girl

couldn't have all eyes on me

id fall flat on my face id be some of these ladies replace *giggles* but i came to break chains

so yes please step out my way

you can go play

i came to parle and vibe laly

i do it for the harlots laly lol come on let's shine baby

you are a dime

beautiful, stellar and so divine

special in our fathers eye

so no don't you ever cry about none of these guys

they are not the prize

the prize is beyond the sky

fly, soar, so ever high

i came to shine light on the truth

it's a repeated story

but can we change?

to God be the glory

like you will be forced to learn

lol i guess i need the bottom

to have no one

to have nothing

oh the lesson it brings

i'm learning

and in my dreams i see things

is it just for me i just want to say God speaks

i feel like i took all the bags of my past and held it on my back

how can you be so smart yet consciously unaware

the solitude fortified my belief

i am a work of art

uniquely made

unruly and tamed

God is to blame

i was a child and i grew but still i knew

and how can i not speak truth

but sometime before they knew what they knew

and they let it rot

i don't blame anyone

it's all on God, HIS plan lol

emphasis because i have a vivid imaginations

and i run with it like oh this is this but lately ive been pausing

it's beautiful to pause

it's beautiful

i am not afraid of what many run from

what is there to be afraid of God finds a way

and now with these experiences

there is not a room i won't shake

im like pop smoke but im not talking about guns and violence im talking about customer service and my skillalence(skills)

on my path i can't run away

i cant wish it away

i can't smoke it away

if im back to it

i got to be honest

i got to be patient

i'm not upset

i can't be upset

it's a lesson so no, no regret

i may not have ace'd the test but I PASSED

it was a participation trophy

i just seen the bernie mac show, the boy tried so hard that bernie was like the participation trophy was indeed a real trophy

so hey i made it because God said come to tryouts and i was like sure šŸ˜‚

so although my shot was terrible

although i had no stamina

although i was the most nonathletic person i knew

although i still like to eat meat i took a time to flush my system fruit & water fast years ago(2019) i reverted eating habits because i enjoy food :)

although i had adulterous ways man...

although i am a sinner with a list of sins God said come and i said ok, and midway im like wait God are you sure... i went way to deep to go just back up i had to build a tunnel and pop some where else on the SAME field lol and pipe down

i still feel special because i have gratitude for the knowledge my experiences have given me

to the world i may appear to be a fool

heck me to me lol

even today

even today

i was like wait

nooooo gratitude laly

happiness is all i feel because i don't grudge you

i don't

thank you for our experiences

thank you for being a teacher even if you were never a friend ā›“ļøā€šŸ’„šŸ’œ

& on such a side note because lil wayne's song dr kept playing in my head & im ngl i was probably a bigger lil wayne and eminem fan when it came to rap like lil wayne is beyond skilled likeeee listen to the cartersĀ 

like lil wayne had a vibe & also was so intelligent lol not that he isn't intelligent but yo the music like he is probably one of the most intelligent people out there lol i forgot what song i was listening to & i was like waitttttt noooo he really snapped sorry i can't quote it but it had word & symbolism lolĀ 

but moral of the story no one is perfect & "losses" build character, better to learn young lol but if you have a map it's not wrong to follow it take a detour or 2 but you know the map was/is there to help guide you...Ā 

can i philosophy you sir/doƱaĀ ?

you can follow the GPS all the time & 100% make it to your destination every time but you never learn the route for yourself...

meaning they're many "maps" to take in life and you can commit yourself to a certain path but sometimes your path is one that hasn't been paved all the way...

the path for me is to do the inner work, the path for everyone is to do the inner work... some are put into certain flames thrown in it like can you stand the heat in the kitchen, and you make it out with no burnsĀ 

maybe it was for you turn and say yeah GOD DID lolĀ 

but our ancestry goes all the way to the beginningĀ 

to the beginning of timeĀ 

we have that in usĀ 

the very "start"Ā 

how beautifulĀ 

how preciousĀ 

how divine lolĀ 

a twist on the first shall be lastĀ 

oh the kingdom comeĀ 

oh the will be doneĀ 

beautiful crowsĀ 

beautiful beesĀ 

beautiful thrones

beautiful leavesĀ 

beautiful branchesĀ 

beautiful canvas

relax breatheĀ 

i believeĀ 

it's so relaxingĀ 

okay this is long šŸŖ­Ā 

-Odalis MikaelleĀ 









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