own your anger
see i can say this in a simple form yet
that isn't my way
meaning i like a story
and in the story there is glory
get to know me
so many have said this and i want to say it too
but your emotions are just that energy in motion
people can feed off energy
if you know your WHY
you can touch the sky
break it down
we lifted up a ton
on the drums
so if you know why then you have a clearer picture
you can feel millions of emotions you can trace back the moment on why those moments brought you joy or sadness or anger or guilt etc
idk about you but it seems like we rush
like we grow so fast and want to grow so fast outwardly
we want the things that appear to us to be success
and it surely is
it is
but if the entire world is focusing on materials
what about the spiritual help
bill withers knew what God knew
we need each other
yet there's war
war inside our beings
idon't be afraid of the feelings
don't be afraid of the trials
don't be afraid of failures
it may not be easy at first
but ask yourself why
ask yourself when faced with these strong emotions
surely enough you will learn to observe and not react
I am not a mental health licensed professional, i am a ser humano that's gone through life. i say experience is a great teacher, and the greatest students learn from others.
i feel i can share & i can learn, no one man can change the world, no one man can know everything.
wisdom is not reserved yet you have to be willing to observe, learn to question, learn to pause, learn to take in, learn to not react, learn to be you.
also you want to own your emotions because you wouldn't want others to own them.
know you can share but beware the big bad wolf might look like sheep, God got you but surely do not be weak
weak of mind
enslaved in time
shine you are it
you are prime
top tier
dare i say top of line
who said that ooohhhhh I need a dimeeeeee
that's top of the line
but to end
lol i got distracted by reading this
Jah Bless Me - Jah Cure