Love Your Land, Love Your Continents
Sustain in your land
Tengan Fe !
hablen con los que le dolió su patria aquí en el exilio.
Oigan el álbum de mi abuelo inspirado por su lucha por libertad, y la mariposa más bella mi abuela.
oigan la canción que la canta Toño Rosario de mi madre patria Republica Dominicana
Ahí nació Caonabo, e leído(so i have read) y Anacaona en Ayiti
que le decían otro nombre
lean quizás en la librería
por lo soviético, todos tenemos derecho a estudiar
(si viven en una dictadura comunista)
me lo dijo mi abuelo
el maja crece pero
Tú Va Vei
me lo dijo mi abuela ser pobre no es un delito
sigan la ley de Dios !
follow the laws of God
for you ever feel doubt lean on God
for i always question so im always leaning
i hope with some of that the sun continues beaming over all Gods people
We have the free gift to all be people of God
the power is love
the power is the word
not my words but Gods words
Jesus Cristo
the name of the man who came to earth died on the cross for our sins so wait let me just get you the bible verses that convey what i'm trying to say: Romans 10:9
I believe you must truly accept Jesus meaning he expects you to uphold his words, the words of the father, he didn't say disregard the books!
in modern words he said yeah that's wrong now show love, mercy, and show the next person how to walk!
baby forgive
strut strut NOW WALK
life is the sweetest and it is painful to come in and to go
what a power money can't buy
you of little faith tell me about Hannah
i'm sorry if it stings but patience my lovely QUEEN
patience in the "hunt" L I O N E S S
slow like a turtle
fly like the birds
mate for life
the only half my orange can have is the other
could never be another
raise more lions so the lioness can be safe
but lions for God, not a threat to society
not monsters
but men of principles
men of honor
men that see a sister in a woman meaning they seek to protect her, help her
we all have a special quality and if we first look at each other as children of God
we all have minds and can do great things therefore let our nature heal each other
joined in the knowing that we are all children of God and don't worry about condemnation because Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross
he willingly did so
and yes he cried out to the father
pain is pain
a woman labors in pain
child birth is pain
for that is the cross the mother has barred
and then you got a know it all child who thinks everything is funny
let em be teach em well that child is teaching you patience
i love you mama
Apparently - J. Cole my mom loves that song
where ever you stand is holy land for the father made it
God Bless You
in the words of others i'm just a servant sometimes i improvise lol 🥰❤️♾️🔆🫶🏾☀️