the road block nights
i remember long long ago
on a road far from home
i met an end
caution tape
cannot go on my friend
i stood up and said oh
i continued life, eyes were not on the throne
clenched to what i know
here i go
the follow the leader nights
i wanna say follow the leader leader
i wanna take you to a resort
but i resort
to tell you truth
as i walk i see familiar faces following the lead
as i walk i look back and i am intrigued
followed in the forrest
like horus my mind seems to wareth
with the thought
why are you following me
i stood up dazed it was a stream
a lean
i gleam
i dwell oh well
but in the back of my mind
i ...
the nights return
the thoughts are honed
mine mine
i'm 3
i can't share.
the nights return
like clock work
i'm on the clock
working, i must admit
i feel the lurk
yet it's so bold
somehow the world
somehow we
somehow God
somehow you
somehow me
osmosis, you're my water
not quite a daisy but can i be your flower
solunanos hone sun
osmosis, can we be water
can we be the organic rain
can we really be to blame
when the soul is eternally seeking
when we've roamed to rooms far from home
you feel like home
a touch of you is ecstasy in my heart
it's bliss that i miss but i let free
because no matter how hard i try
your mind your light
always seems to return to me
-Jillion worth billions π Β for the last one but the rest are by Laly