🌈🌻I Big 🔝 whAt my sOuL FeElZ🌈🌻

🌈🌻I Big 🔝 whAt my sOuL FeElZ🌈🌻

Estamos, osea, yo voy por El CLuB & i remember feeling this way

we don't think about it we just hit play 

we just hit i need this vibe today

i'm outside today

it's autonomous they say

we does this, we are socociety lol

this is my little TV show in Gods world this is life through Laly's eyes

we had a season where we had to shake each other 

i feel yall lol

i hear and i feel a way because it stings still

theres residue i choose to hold onto 

but let residue flee 

it slowly goes but i hear a a love song & i feel guilty 

i hear a man dissing a girl and i feel attacked

it's been a real time and i still reminisce

i reminisce even on my first kiss

i'm like k michelle s/o to my "fake" cousin oh well 

but i get too attached and that's when i laugh 

like youre not that tough

you got yo chest out but you not that buff

im thinking me too 

i swear i know everything boo

i look in the mirror and say them those relationship flaws indeed

hop in an uber with me 

fly to the rooftop of that house on a hill 

in my beautiful tios house 

out there in my malibu dude

my condolences to those who lost their homes 

it's not the same type of pain but regardless of why my mother house burned just the same when she was young she knows that pain.

they lost everything, everything burned besides THE HOLY BIBLE



no la bajen que yo lo va subi


el flow reminds me of our beats of the flow put that holy bible first yo 

 AFRICAN drums with a benito lol lowkey taino flow

yeah im in the slow cooker 

YT buddy said let fall off the bone

you still a child but buckle up

buckle up and forget the saddle

this life is SPIRIT

and the man of the land is where this spirit flows 

so love and respect for our more ancient friends 

oh you used to litter i pray you don't litter again

oh you used to be prejudice i pray you learn again

oh you had no empathy, i pray for you see the human in me

LOVE covers a multitude of sins

Orishas said ven tumbando y dando 

hay sopa pero usted no sabe de mi ajiaco

a comer yuatia, a comer mi

Puré de Malanga

we are miles away from "reality"

for the sake of reality

i can't stop Gods plan

i don't intend to if the world ends 

i wanna end being like Jesus 

yo se que solo con tu (contigo) 

the factuals, the truthciclessocococo lol 

i live in imagination conscious of the fact that 

i am associative in some areas 

i aim to be autonomous of self 

i know thats received with God, Jesus Christ

Jesus is the the only way because we will fall short no matter how intelligent, wise, strong, charismatic, daring, righteous, unrighteous, fed, unfed, wealthy, and/or poor. 

the list goes on.

we are human, beautiful humans, we can't be it all because we have neighbors for a reason

God is all

African Giant is playing in the background 

God is so good 



i intend to be me fully

if you know theres fire treat it like a doctor should

prevent it babes

eat your fruits and veggies please

exercise i know it can lead to debates 

you get to eat everyday

eat the food on your plate 

the impact of those who don't "make it" are remembered by the ones whom life they impacted, and they will forever live in our hearts 

God loved those that came before me for better for worst 

for the acts of being an adulterous whore, he could've ended all already okay but here you are, and you have choices ok 

so, continue your life 

if you still breathing half the battle is won 

give thanks and embrace your design 

all praises only can be attributed to you 

the most high being 

Jesus Cristo




antes de llegar, ellos tienen su son 


Isleños antes de saberlo

como el dorado no son malos son humanos no mataron pero si fueron un chin catano

Cataño may also be an occupational name for a producer or seller of cotton from Arabic qaṭṭān12Cataño is also the name of a city in NE Puerto Rico, SW of San Juan3.

i meant tacano 


El gallego (galego en gallego) es una lengua romance del subgrupo galaico-portugués hablada principalmente en la comunidad autónoma de GaliciaEspaña.

una amiga de mi papa le dicen la gallega

ella es una vieja pero espanola en su dia cuerpo de sirena

sal pa fuere pero llevate la capa que horita va llover

somo de las islas claro que nos gusta el son la paranda lets go 

estoy en mi casa con mis diviertos 

y tambien aprendiendo 

slow and steady in tune so ready even when i don't appear to be 

i suprise myself but that's God you see 

We live life musically 

somber me 

feliz is me

eyes are sparkling for me

if an old man taught me one thing it's to move on when you gone 

it's goodbye 

i send my prayers to the sky 

i can't whistle 

i am and englisher by birth

my englishers child of the hurt 

the ones that rap to lil durk 

go bizerk in your studies you more than a conqueror 

let that be known buddy 

no need to take a life this aint bugz buney

 the hammer come down you flatten you're dead 

dont let the brutslity of reality go over your head 

do unto others thou shall not kill don't lose your head 

we aren't the ones to deliver your daily bread 

that's the father 

feel how you feel inside 

allow EM to rock to sleep like hush little birdie don't you cry everything is gon be alright 

like a carribbean told me every little thing will be alright

 and im in Spanish Town Rockin

i see myself puff on the chronixx 


Del Canario ES

Adonde nacio Don Gozalo Fernandez; SALSERO; en Salcedo?

pan con huevo 


la yautia

dile a tu tia(o)

dile que pilasssssss


PR and Cuba fought together 

Jeremias told me 

per google(BING) : Puerto Rico did not directly help Cuba fight their Spanish revolution, but there were connections and inspirations between the two movements. Puerto Rico was a Spanish colony, and its people were inspired by the ideals of Cuban revolutionaries like Simón Bolívar145During the Spanish-American War, the U.S. intervened in both Cuba and Puerto Rico against Spain2Ultimately, Spain renounced its rights to Cuba and ceded Puerto Rico to the U.S.3

Our flags are similar 

my Cuban family speak of the resemblance and of my mothers land as well

Antonio Maceo was Dominican :)

Jose Marti

como Radio Mambi 

SON Cubana 

hay si 

Hablo de que me ensenaron 

me mueve y me da vida










Play your flute 

the instrument that is you







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