call from BA B

call from BA B

she was in the function

in the function there's dysfunction

no don't touch that food

broski said i am hungry, therefore i will chew

we at a table with MEN

bus 15 only men.

WESTSIDE want to rah rah with a cockadoodle hen

the office is empty 

they are in stress

the woman with the ponytail the proposal


the brides dressed 

another one trying to block the shine

but after this BA B gave me a call 

a man's voice spoke, and he said Miguel will be cut

in that moment young men with knives in hand come to the table 

they are holding long knives i'm calm, i escape 

BA B told me that these movements are happening ASAP 

Danna said change the makeup

be sure you paint your face with hope and expectation

ABBA i trust in you.

my faith is in you 

IDC what it look like 

the throwing shard glass

they lying but i am whole

i am not defeated.

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