at this time

at this time

i love love 

i do 


i do 

married to purpose 

married to a message 

married to be weird 

married to be me

love one love two 

not to be disrespectful 

same dude  

see what is most important to you 

if i'm honest it's making God happy 

i love kissing and all that stuff but ioon like it when 

we are not actually doing something 

i guess that's why i don't stay committed 

God gave me a vision too 

i may do what i do but 

no ill intentions for you 

honestly it's love 

sorry for my misconceptions of love 

& one person isn't everything it's impossible 

and it takes God out 

we are born into community 

the US of A 

is separated lol it's strange 

i know people are weird in my country too but it's so highlighted here

its on mute we discuss amongst each other and speak the truth but on some Wayne Wonder 


wooooooooi 😂💖


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