apply the knowledge

apply the knowledge

i bought a puzzle the other day 

i bought it so others could play

the lesson in the puzzle is one to give you hope 

not to shame you 

not to make you feel shameful 

i have been ashamed too 

but God bought my puzzle

he gave me all my pieces 

you could have stolen a piece of my puzzle 

you could perceive to make a house in my home 

in the energy i hold 

but i am at peace 

Valerie(Amy Winehouse) 

i got the steps to the bottom of the sea 

your deceit is funny to me 

that goes out to everyone indeed 

i dont mean to be mean 

apply the knowledge 

get my missing puzzle piece with the help of thee

cant you see that i hold my peace 

ima stomp on you Valerie 

ima break yo neck 

ima Busta Ryhmes you to sleep lol 

you make me ick (spanish i)

but God, Jesus Christ got a hold of me 

he made a way, he said borrow the keys 

i'm making new ones for thee 

hold onto it please

im sending all my heavy hitters to protect thee

hold on to those who hold on to me 

that's LOVE 

so please ima kick you in the knee metaphorically 

that's to any jealous family 

you took a part of me 

but it's mine and telekenisis said oh 

clairvoyance me made me see

gifts God gave me 

don't be a jealous hater please 

hit the dips let's play 

i sat in my emotions and i can hold position all day 

i can fight and behave 

God takes care of my grave and he prepares the strength to teach me 

a piece says i rather go blind 

but at the same time im just seeing something 

from the surface 

lesson to learn 

all is fair in love and war 

i got the creator of the world 

and a staircase to the bottom floor

babalu aye; isis; yemaya; aso kere elegua 

CHANGO my baby thank you Jesús 

Oshun im one like you 

Oya they tricked me too 

Hay San Miguel entra en mi ser con lucifer acaba con el 

no me monto porque estoy monta. 

lol spirits with me 🥰 

angels protect me 

who they call evil protect 

they know my heart to 

& Jesus ordered it he the king 

a woman general 🫡

my body is my alter

protect me in the name of God 

dance with me for freedom 

they invoke you for what 

i run to you because of pain 

open doors step into the light with me 

there's joy palo Cuba 

música para el espíritu 

they don't get it 

but the spirit reveals the truth 

perdí the confidence in me but when the goddess of the sea saw me low she spoke to me

God allowed her indeed


free my people


cafe, tabaco, y ron


LoVe all people 

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